How Can I Get Involved?
In our church there is a place for everyone. It is a place where those who have been called to ministry can allow their gift to be used. There is also a place for those who love the Lord and would like to be a willing worker in the ministry of helps as ushers, worship team leaders, a soloist and/or musicians. AT LUJ there is room for everybody; the children, parents, grandparents, the single mom and dads, and even the person with limited time. We want you to know you are wanted and needed in the Body of Christ at LUJ. This is how you can learn, serve, and grow at this church.
Bible Study
Our Bible study is not just another service but it is formed into a group study where we interact and learn about a topic in the Bible. For that reason, our church is unique and we make it comfortable for you to learn and get more involved while learning how to get deeper into the Bible study.
Youth Ministry
Life can get complicated once you cross that nebulous threshold into adulthood. There are complicated decisions. Bigger stakes. Serious relationships. And a whole lot more decisions. The young adult group of our church provides a welcoming atmosphere for young men and women to discuss Bible topics, and bring their prayer needs.
Women’s Group
Women’s groups give the ladies in our church family special times of interaction. Our women’s groups, will set aside a time for Bible study, prayer and fellowship with food. This group provide a refreshing discipleship opportunity for the women in the church.
Men’s Group
Accountability among men is an act of integrity. Accountability is designed to protect, encourage, and develop men of all ages.
Married Couples
Over 50’s
Once you get past fifty, the fun has just begun. Whether retired, just plain tired, or active as ever, the over-50 group of LUJ provides refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction.